{ "data": [{"id":"20", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"Myddrin", "answers":{"1": "grey", "2": "fish", "3": "2.2", "4": "seine", "5": "tut", "6": "95", "7": "120", "8": "send", "9": "63", "10": "Terrance"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"18", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"Curative", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "the dish", "3": "56", "4": "", "5": "hapshupset", "6": "96", "7": "1000", "8": "hello", "9": "63", "10": "terrance"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"19", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"haemoptysis sufferer off the fags", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "the dish", "3": "2.2lb per kilo", "4": "rhone", "5": "atkuman", "6": "130", "7": "0", "8": "what up", "9": "63", "10": "denis"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"16", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"PaulDH", "answers":{"1": "grey", "2": "the cup", "3": "12", "4": "sienne", "5": "King Tut", "6": "39", "7": "250", "8": "Yes", "9": "60", "10": "Terrence"}, "score":"0"},{"id":"17", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"maglite ", "answers":{"1": "grey", "2": "the dish", "3": "2.2", "4": "rhine", "5": "nephatiti", "6": "98", "7": "150", "8": "good day to you ", "9": "168", "10": "paul "}, "score":"2"},{"id":"15", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"someone's mother", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "the dish", "3": "7 dollars", "4": "Themes", "5": "King Tut", "6": "168", "7": "300", "8": "hello", "9": "all of them", "10": "terence"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"48", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "level of conciousness", "2": "Roger Hayes", "3": "Pondy", "4": "26.000", "5": "Tesla", "6": "Fibinacci", "7": "No idea", "8": "Duh", "9": "Akenhaten", "10": "x stones,, what sort of fuckin' question was that!!"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"22", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"DaveStarbuck", "answers":{"1": "Blue", "2": "Dish", "3": "2.2lbs", "4": "Danube", "5": "Ramases", "6": "None he ran", "7": "1000", "8": "Ahoy", "9": "63", "10": "Terence McKenna"}, "score":"4"},{"id":"23", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"joolofthefamily", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "cat", "3": "2", "4": "danube", "5": "tkhamun", "6": "50", "7": "100", "8": "operator", "9": "47", "10": "terrence"}, "score":"1"},{"id":"24", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"Breezeygirl", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "dish", "3": "2.2", "4": "Volga", "5": "tutonkaman", "6": "", "7": "100", "8": "hello", "9": "29", "10": "Paul"}, "score":"4"},{"id":"25", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"t3mark", "answers":{"1": "yellow", "2": "the cow", "3": "2.2 bls", "4": "rhyne", "5": "cleopatra", "6": "65", "7": "", "8": "good day mate", "9": "72", "10": "terrence"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"26", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"granada", "answers":{"1": "white", "2": "", "3": "2.2", "4": "rhine ", "5": "ackenaton", "6": "77", "7": "30000", "8": "hello", "9": "66", "10": "terence"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"27", "quiz_id":"7", "entry_name":"delcroix", "answers":{"1": "red ", "2": "the dish", "3": "2ish", "4": "danueb but the volga if you incude russia", "5": "cleopatra", "6": "2.300?", "7": "1000", "8": "hello ", "9": "58", "10": "terrance 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"score":"6"},{"id":"32", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"peaceinurgarden", "answers":{"1": "green", "2": "m", "3": "john lennon", "4": "four", "5": "at sea", "6": "pondman", "7": "gandalf", "8": "cayenne pepper", "9": "tomato", "10": "100"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"33", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"DaveStarbuck", "answers":{"1": "Green", "2": "M", "3": "Bill Hicks (I saw it but I knew it)", "4": "4", "5": "You don't bury survivors", "6": "Ripply Pondy", "7": "Bill Cooper?", "8": "Cayenne Pepper", "9": "Banana?", "10": "20kHz"}, "score":"9"},{"id":"34", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"Myddrin", "answers":{"1": "Green", "2": "M", "3": "Bill Hicks", "4": "4", "5": "You would't bury the Survivors..unless they were french", "6": "Pondy", "7": "-", "8": "Cayenne Pepper", "9": "-", "10": "60Hz (total guess)"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"35", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"'Angel", "answers":{"1": "red", "2": "m", "3": "no idea", "4": "4", "5": "at their respective home towns", "6": "paula", "7": "no idea", "8": "kayin pepper", "9": "apple", "10": "no idea"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"36", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"Breezeygirl", "answers":{"1": "green", "2": "m", "3": "Bill Hicks", "4": "", "5": "they wouldn't bury the surviors -", "6": "(Dave) allegedly", "7": "", "8": "Cayenne", "9": "brazil nuts", "10": ""}, "score":"6"},{"id":"37", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "green n white", "2": "M", "3": "Bill Hicks", "4": "4", "5": "Don't bury survivors", "6": "Pondman", "7": "William Cooper", "8": "cayenne pepper", "9": "Brazil nuts", "10": "20 hertz"}, "score":"10"},{"id":"38", "quiz_id":"9", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "Red", "2": "M", "3": "Bill Hicks", "4": "Four", "5": "Nowhere. 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"score":"6"},{"id":"50", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"Curative", "answers":{"1": "consciousness", "2": "roger hayes", "3": "john sugleedes", "4": "3240", "5": "searl", "6": "fibanachi", "7": "ian crane", "8": "gerson", "9": "tutancarmoon", "10": "your combined weight"}, "score":"8"},{"id":"49", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"", "answers":{"1": "", "2": "roger hayes", "3": "pondy", "4": "2000", "5": "tesla", "6": "", "7": "", "8": "gerson", "9": "tutankhamum", "10": "220 stone"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"51", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"peaceinurgarden", "answers":{"1": "the truth", "2": "roger hynes", "3": "pondy", "4": "25,000", "5": "tezla", "6": "fi", "7": "alex jones", "8": "homepathic", "9": "bin laden", "10": "2,800 lbs"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"52", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"PaulDH", "answers":{"1": "a Problem", "2": "Roger Hayes", "3": "soulige", "4": "21,000", "5": "Nikola Tesla", "6": "", "7": "Ian Crane", "8": "Gerson", "9": "Tuten Karmen", "10": "nothing"}, "score":"4"},{"id":"53", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"puddlesplash", "answers":{"1": "consciousness", "2": "roger hayes", "3": "john soulglides", "4": "26,000", "5": "schauberger or tessla", "6": "fibonacci", "7": "Ian crane", "8": "?", "9": "Akhenaton", "10": "combined weight"}, "score":"8"},{"id":"54", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "Thinking", "2": "Roger Hayes", "3": "John Souglides", "4": "3.600", "5": "Tesla", "6": "Fibonacci sequence", "7": "Ian R Crane", "8": "Gerson", "9": "Akhanaten", "10": "Nothing"}, "score":"6"},{"id":"55", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"Breezeygirl", "answers":{"1": "your brain", "2": "roger hayes", "3": "john soulige", "4": "4,000", "5": "telsa", "6": "no idea hahahahaha", "7": "ian crane", "8": "fibonnaci", "9": "", "10": "zero"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"56", "quiz_id":"11", "entry_name":"Jim UK", "answers":{"1": "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results ", "2": "the british constitution group ", "3": "John 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"score":"7"},{"id":"60", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "72", "2": "Polaris", "3": "green", "4": "Manly P Hall", "5": "Homeopathy", "6": "206", "7": "Ekbom's syndrome", "8": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration", "9": "Shoes", "10": "Grandad steve"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"61", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"granada", "answers":{"1": "9", "2": "north star", "3": "red", "4": "manley p hall", "5": "homeopathy", "6": "666", "7": "paraniod", "8": "", "9": "seats", "10": "brizer"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"62", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"Curative", "answers":{"1": "72", "2": "sirous", "3": "green", "4": "robert anton wilson", "5": "homeopathy", "6": "265", "7": "psycosis", "8": "not only alcholocics association", "9": "footwear", "10": "del"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"63", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"If i was a gigilo I would be wearing tighter trousers ", "answers":{"1": "3", "2": "the north star", "3": "green", "4": "Manly Hall", "5": "homeopathy", "6": "206", "7": "if you cant pronounce it then I am unlikely to be able to answer it", "8": "national oceanagraphic and atmospheric administration", "9": "boots", "10": "you"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"64", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"delcroix", "answers":{"1": "72", "2": "polaris is the north star ", "3": "green ", "4": "manly hall", "5": "homeophathy ", "6": "206", "7": "morgellons ", "8": "national oceanianic and atmospheric administration ", "9": "shoes ", "10": "mr c "}, "score":"8"},{"id":"65", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"PaulDH", "answers":{"1": "Nine", "2": "The Great Bear", "3": "Green", "4": "Manly P Hall", "5": "Holisitc", "6": "211", "7": "Morgellons", "8": "North Atlantic Advisory association?", "9": "Sofas", "10": "Del"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"66", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "70", "2": "Polaris", "3": "Green", "4": "Manly P.Hall", "5": "Homeopathy", "6": "200 approx", "7": "schizophrenia", "8": "", "9": "Leather", "10": "Pondman"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"67", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"Cakeangel", "answers":{"1": "16", "2": "North Star", "3": "Green", "4": "Manley P Hall", "5": "No Idea", "6": "No Idea", "7": "Abduction victems", "8": "Dont know", "9": "Leather/shoes", "10": "Granada"}, "score":"2"},{"id":"68", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"WelshWindmill", "answers":{"1": "144", "2": "North Star", "3": "Green", "4": "Manly Hall", "5": "Pennicillin", "6": "144", "7": "Bugs in the skin/body due to chemtrails", "8": "National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration", "9": "Tyres", "10": "Mr. C ;)"}, "score":"4"},{"id":"69", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"Jim UK", "answers":{"1": "6", "2": "sirus ", "3": "green", "4": "the author lol", "5": "homeopathic ", "6": "lets try 98", "7": "morgellons ", "8": "?", "9": "dog chews ", "10": "brizer "}, "score":"4"},{"id":"70", "quiz_id":"15", "entry_name":"jool", "answers":{"1": "9", "2": "north", "3": "red", "4": "manly p hall", "5": "homepathic", "6": "87", "7": "bugs under the 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"10": "12"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"76", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"jool", "answers":{"1": "sportsman", "2": "radio", "3": "bouncing bomb", "4": "paint", "5": "neither", "6": "yale", "7": "skull and bones", "8": "rick simpson", "9": "leg", "10": "7"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"77", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"PaulDH", "answers":{"1": "doctor", "2": "bbc world service", "3": "bouncing bomb", "4": "wetsuit", "5": "both the same weight 1 ton", "6": "Yale", "7": "Skull" ,"8":"","9":"","10":"" }, "score":"4"},{"id":"78", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"ANON ANON", "answers":{"1": "?", "2": "?", "3": "The bouncing bomb", "4": "A coat of paint", "5": "A ton of water", "6": "Yale University", "7": "Skull and Bones!", "8": "Rick Simpson", "9": "In the knee", "10": "Twelve"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"79", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"bypaul", "answers":{"1": "public servant", "2": "Radio", "3": "bouncing bomb", "4": "paint", "5": "water", "6": "water", "7": "", "8": "rick simpson", "9": "the leg", "10": "27"}, "score":"4"},{"id":"80", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"t3mark", "answers":{"1": " soldier ", "2": "record player ", "3": "bouncing bomb- dam busters", "4": "paint", "5": "both the same", "6": "yale ", "7": "skull and bones", "8": "rick simpson", "9": "brain", "10": "12 "}, "score":"7"},{"id":"81", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"granada", "answers":{"1": "doctor", "2": "bbc", "3": "dambuster bomb", "4": "paint", "5": "the same", "6": "yale", "7": "skull and bone", "8": "rick simpson", "9": "shoulder", "10": "12"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"82", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"cakeangel", "answers":{"1": "dont know", "2": "radio", "3": "bomb", "4": "Raincoat", "5": "Water", "6": "Eaten", "7": "Masons", "8": "dont know", "9": "Knee", "10": "10"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"83", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "Philosopher", "2": "Radio", "3": "Bouncing bomb", "4": "Paint (undercoat)", "5": "no difference both are tonnes", "6": "Yale", "7": "Freemasons", "8": "Rick Simpson", "9": "Kneecap", "10": "12"}, "score":"8"},{"id":"84", "quiz_id":"17", "entry_name":"ukplcenemy", "answers":{"1": "wrestler", "2": "radio", "3": "bicycle", "4": "paint", "5": "both the same", "6": "yale", "7": "skull and bones", "8": "cambridge university", "9": "knee", "10": "12"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"87", "quiz_id":"18", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "Thoth", "2": "Andromeda", "3": "Eyes", "4": "Gunpowder, Check, (who built the moon)", "5": "Paris In The Spring", "6": "Indigo", "7": "Shinto, Japan", "8": "Jesse Ventura", "9": "Michael", "10": "two"}, "score":"6"},{"id":"88", "quiz_id":"18", "entry_name":"DaveStarbuck", "answers":{"1": "Thoth or Hermes Tristmagistus", "2": "Andromeda", "3": "Eyes", "4": "Charcoal", "5": "Paris in THE THE spring - (Nice try Steve)", "6": "Indigo", "7": "Gobeki Tepe, Turkey", "8": "Jessie Ventura (and he was a wrestler too)", "9": "Micheal?", "10": "Five"}, "score":"7"},{"id":"89", "quiz_id":"18", "entry_name":"PaulDH", "answers":{"1": "eamon 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"entry_name":"Curative", "answers":{"1": "thoth", "2": "?", "3": "eyes", "4": "salt", "5": "paris in the the spring", "6": "indigo", "7": "matchipichu peru", "8": "jesse ventura", "9": "gabriel", "10": "3"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"94", "quiz_id":"18", "entry_name":"granada", "answers":{"1": "thoth", "2": "sirios", "3": "bellybutton", "4": "cheese", "5": "paris in the spring ", "6": "indigo", "7": "jerusalem temple mount", "8": "jesse ventura", "9": "gabrial", "10": "3"}, "score":"3"},{"id":"95", "quiz_id":"18", "entry_name":"t3mark", "answers":{"1": "shakespear", "2": "canis major dwarf", "3": "eyes?", "4": "-", "5": "paris in the the spring", "6": "indigo", "7": "the square one ah ah", "8": "jesse venturer", "9": "micheal", "10": "7"}, "score":"6"},{"id":"96", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "Robert a wilson", "2": "Chomsky", "3": "max igan", "4": "David icke", "5": "Bill Cooper", "6": "David Wilcock", "7": "George Carlin", "8": "Bill Ryan", "9": "Brian 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"8": "Bill Ryan", "9": "Brian Gerrish", "10": "Alex Jones", "11": "Terrence McKenna", "12": "Ian R Crane", "13": "Vinny Eastwood ?", "14": "", "15": "Henrick Palmgrien", "16": "", "17": "", "18": "", "19": "Bill Hicks", "20": "Jordan Maxwell"}, "score":"13"},{"id":"99", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"DaveStarbuck", "answers":{"1": "Robert Anton Wilson", "2": "Jacque Fresco", "3": "Max Igan", "4": "David Icke", "5": "William Cooper", "6": "David Wilcox", "7": "George Carlin", "8": "Bill Ryan", "9": "Brian Gerrish", "10": "Alex Jones", "11": "Terence McKenna", "12": "Ian R Crane", "13": "Santos Bonnacci", "14": "Nassim Harramein", "15": "Henrik Palmgren", "16": "Spock", "17": "Captain Kirk", "18": "Freeman Fly", "19": "Bill Hicks", "20": "Jordan Maxwell"}, "score":"18"},{"id":"100", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"Jim UK", "answers":{"1": "?", "2": "?", "3": "max igan ", "4": "david icke", "5": "art bell ", "6": "david wilcox ", "7": "george carlin", "8": "?", "9": "brian gerrish ", "10": "alex jones", "11": "?", "12": "ian r crane ", "13": "santos bonnachi ", "14": "loyd pye ", "15": "micheal turzami , excuse my spelling ", "16": "?", "17": "rick simpson ", "18": "?", "19": "bill hicks ", "20": "jordan maxwell "}, "score":"11"},{"id":"101", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"t3mark", "answers":{"1": "", "2": "", "3": "max igan", "4": "david icke", "5": "", "6": "david wilcox", "7": "george carlin", "8": "roger hayes", "9": "brian gerrish", "10": "alex jones", "11": "terrance mckenna", "12": "", "13": "santo bonacci", "14": "", "15": "", "16": "william cooper", "17": "", "18": "", "19": "bill hicks", "20": ""}, "score":"9"},{"id":"102", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "Robert Anton Wilson", "2": "Jacques Fresco", "3": "Max Igan", "4": "Ickey", "5": "Bill Cooper", "6": "David Wilcock", "7": "George Carlin", "8": "Graham Hancock", "9": "Brian Gerrish", "10": "Alex Jones", "11": "Terrence McKenna", "12": "Ian Crane", "13": "Santos Bonnachi", "14": "Carlos 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"score":"3"},{"id":"105", "quiz_id":"19", "entry_name":"Curative", "answers":{"1": "robert anton wilson", "2": "jaques fresco", "3": "", "4": "david ike", "5": "space man", "6": "", "7": "", "8": "john harris?", "9": "brian gerrish", "10": "alex jones", "11": "terrance mckenna", "12": "ian r crane", "13": "santos bonacchi", "14": "", "15": "", "16": "", "17": "rick simpson", "18": "freeman fly", "19": "", "20": "jordan maxwell"}, "score":"11"},{"id":"106", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"number1Paula", "answers":{"1": "billy don't be a hero", "2": "jet", "3": "do you love me", "4": "", "5": "ballroom blitz", "6": "", "7": "blondie ?", "8": "valley girl", "9": "", "10": "", "11": "titanic", "12": "ghostbusters", "13": "king of thrones", "14": "love story", "15": "pink panther", "16": "dead mans curve", "17": "rocky", "18": "terminator", "19": "police academy", "20": "walking tall"}, "score":"9"},{"id":"107", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"Ray Moore", "answers":{"1": "Billy Don't Be a Hero,, Paper lace", "2": "Jet,, Wings", "3": "Sugar baby Love, Rubettes", "4": "Down Down ,, Quo", "5": "Ballroom Blitz,, Sweet", "6": "Gonna Make You a Star,, David Essex", "7": "Rubber Bullets,, 10cc", "8": "Dreaming,, Blondie", "9": "Tiger feet,, Mud", "10": "Son of My father ,, Chicory Tip", "11": "Titanic", "12": "Ghost Busters", "13": "Pirates Of The Caribbean", "14": "Dr Shivago,, Lara's theme", "15": "Pink Panther", "16": "Resevoir Dogs", "17": "Rocky,, Eye Of The Tiger", "18": "No idea", "19": "A war film", "20": "A Road Movie"}, "score":"13"},{"id":"108", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"DaveStarbuck", "answers":{"1": "Billy dont be a hero", "2": "Jet", "3": "Sugar Baby Love", "4": "Gawd Knows", "5": "Ballroom Blitz", "6": "Gonna make you a star - David Essex", "7": "Rubber bullets - Rubbettes", "8": "Dreaming - Blondie", "9": "Tiger Feet - Mud", "10": "WTF??", "11": "Lord of the Rings (I know its wrong...youre killing me)", "12": "Ghostbusters", "13": "Pirates of the 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"Rocky ", "18": "Terminator ", "19": "", "20": ""}, "score":"15"},{"id":"111", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"jool", "answers":{"1": "billy don't be a hero", "2": "sufferajet - wings", "3": "sugar baby love", "4": "down down deeper on down -quo", "5": "ballroom blitz -sweet", "6": "we gonna make you a star- David essex", "7": "", "8": "dreaming - blondie", "9": "tiger feet - mud", "10": "", "11": "titanic", "12": "ghostbusters", "13": "lord of the rings", "14": "godfather", "15": "pinkpanther", "16": "pulp fiction", "17": "rocky", "18": "", "19": "police academy", "20": ""}, "score":"13"},{"id":"112", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"Kas", "answers":{"1": "", "2": "Jet wings", "3": "Zanido", "4": "", "5": "", "6": "", "7": "", "8": "", "9": "", "10": "", "11": "titanic", "12": "ghost busters huey lewis and the news", "13": "chariotts of fire???", "14": "dr. zavago", "15": "pink panther peter selers", "16": "pulp fiction", "17": "pulp fiction", "18": "rocky eye of the tiger forigner", "19": "et", "20": "star wars"}, "score":"5"},{"id":"113", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"Jim UK", "answers":{"1": "billy dont be a hero ,paper lace ", "2": "Jet -- wings ", "3": "suger baby love ,rubbets , cant spell ha ha ", "4": " get down down down status qu", "5": "ballroom blitz , sweet ", "6": "david essex , stardust ? starburst ", "7": "rubber bullets ", "8": "blondie------- dreaming of you ", "9": "mud ---- tiger feet ", "10": "son of my father , chichary tip ", "11": "lets try lord of the rings ", "12": "ghostbusters ", "13": "?", "14": "dr zivargo ,chivargo i know i cant spell ", "15": "pink panther ", "16": "pulp fiction ", "17": "rocky ", "18": "?", "19": "star wars , is this 19 or 20 ? keeps breaking up ", "20": "?"}, "score":"13"},{"id":"114", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"delcroix", "answers":{"1": "billy dont be a hero ", "2": "jet wings", "3": "showaddywaddy", "4": "", "5": "ballroom bliss sweet ", "6": "", "7": "", "8": "blondie dreaming ", "9": "", "10": "", "11": 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"score":"9"},{"id":"117", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"Brizer", "answers":{"1": "billy don't be a hero", "2": "band on the run wings", "3": "", "4": "sweet caroline status quo", "5": "ballroom blitz sweet", "6": "we're going to make you a star david essex", "7": "rubber bullets 10cc", "8": "dreaming blondie", "9": "tiger feet mud", "10": "son of the father chicory tip", "11": "michael collins", "12": "ghostbusters", "13": "war of the worlds", "14": "godfather", "15": "pink panther", "16": "pulp fiction", "17": "rocky", "18": "braveheart", "19": "", "20": ""}, "score":"13"},{"id":"118", "quiz_id":"20", "entry_name":"t3mark", "answers":{"1": "johnny dont be an hero", "2": "", "3": "", "4": "status que", "5": "", "6": "blondie ", "7": "", "8": "tiger feet", "9": "", "10": "", "11": "enya", "12": "ghost busters who you gonna call", "13": "", "14": "", "15": "", "16": "pulp fiction", "17": "rocky", "18": "terminater", "19": "police academy", "20": ""}, "score":"9"}], "success": true, 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